Come see what all the barking is about with New York Dog Nanny’s dog walking service extraordinaire. Fully insured and prepped to give your dog the walk it’s always wanted (and never knew it), we are a team of dog enthusiasts who will do nothing short of throwing ourselves in front of an oncoming vehicle gone swerve to protect your precious pup. Servicing dogs and their owners with various services (boarding including) means that your dog will get the TLC it needs and you can rest assured that your best four legged pal is being taken care of properly. We don’t believe in yelling at your dog, pulling on their leash or talking incessantly on the phone while your dog is on our watch. We always make sure (triple sure) that the door is locked behind us and that your home is securely locked, just the way we found it.

Loving attention and care is what comes standard with our dog walking services. See why so many clients are staying with their tried and true New York Dog Nanny and why many more are considering us as the viable dog walking team.
Services: 30 min walk- $17 45 min walk- $20 1 hour walk- $25 Boarding- $55/night
Just read our reviews on yelp or call one of our many satisfied clients (people, the dogs show us with their wagging tails and snaggle tooths) just how much they enjoy strollin’ around the block with us.

Tech savvy, you can reach out to us on 646 206 7601 (text is okay).